話說FB的搜尋功能;好像已經變得很可用了,只要在FB首頁上點自己的名字,接著點「查看活動紀錄」,然後上方會有一個「動態搜尋」可以輸入關鍵字,就可以查到自己曾經寫過的貼文和自己分享過得別人貼文中,哪幾則有出現過這個關鍵字。 某一天我也忘了是輸入什麼關鍵字,看到一則 自己在四年前的一則貼文 ,是關於一個我不知道在哪裡看來的一個佛心圖庫 MyCuteGraphics ,有人問圖庫原創者是否可以免費使用圖庫上的圖片, 作者的回答 中有一段話讓我非常感動!作者說: I do not mind teachers using my work on Teachers Pay Teachers etc. because I appreciate what you do. I'm a mom of three boys and I am so thankful for the job all of you do. I've had the privilege of helping in my children's classrooms and I know first hand how much time and energy teachers put into each day and sometimes, I know, you spend money out of your own pocket. Teachers are the cornerstone of our society. After all, without teachers we wouldn't have doctors, scientists, lawyers etc. I am thrilled and honored to help teachers and give back through my work. You may use my work either in freebies or in the lessons that you sell. 各位看倌!這不就是「共好」嗎? 阿欣老師在20131025也發表了一篇 教師用免費圖庫 MyCuteGraphics ~ .阿欣部落. ~ ,看過之後您就會用了,...