
8/2 晚上 10:26 我打開臉書,很驚喜的發現五分鐘前許庭嘉老師分享她的一篇論文How to learn and how to teach computational thinking: Suggestions based on a review of the literature(運算思維如何學和如何教:基於文獻探討的建議)榮獲著名學術研究期刊 Computers & Education 的第126期刊登,在20180917前可免費下載,請大家把握機會喔!
  • 許庭嘉老師說: September 17, 2018之前可以免費下載,共有50天,有興趣的讀者請把握時間,SCOPUS文獻資料庫中自2006至2017有關運算思維相關發表之整理,歡迎參考引用。
  • 許庭嘉老師提醒 APA引用方式:
    Hsu, T.-C., Chang, S.-C., & Hung, Y.-T. (2018). How to learn and how to teach computational thinking: Suggestions based on a review of the literature, Computers & Education, 126, 296-310.
Computers & Education 是一本在國際上2017年教育類影響指數全球排名第4名的電腦教育國際期刊。這本期刊的宗旨是:
  • Computers & Education aims to
    increase knowledge and understanding of ways in which
    digital technology can enhance education,
    through the publication of high quality research,
    which extends theory and practice.
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How to learn and how to teach computational thinking:
Suggestions based on a review of the literature


刊登於 Computers & Education 論文期刊第126期, 第296-310頁
作者: Ting-Chia Hsu, Shao-Chen Chang, Yu-Ting Hung

  • 我把我覺得重要的關鍵字標示起來,
  • 我刻意把英文句子切開,

A B S T R A C T 摘 要

Computational Thinking (CT)
is seen as an important competence
that is required in order to adapt to the future.

educators, especially K-12 teachers and researchers,
have not clearly identified how to teach it.

In this study, a meta-review of the studies
published in academic journals from 2006 to 2017
was conducted to analyze
  • application courses,
  • adopted learning strategies, 
  • participants, 
  • teaching tools, 
  • programming languages, 
  • and course categories of CT education. 
From the review results,
it was found that
the promotion of CT in education has made great progress in the last decade.

In addition to
the increasing number of CT studies in different countries, the
  • subjects, 
  • research issues, and 
  • teaching tools
have also become more diverse in recent years.

It was also found that
CT has mainly been applied to
  • the activities of program design and computer science
  • while some studies are related to other subjects.
most of the studies adopted
  • Project-Based Learning, 
  • Problem-Based Learning,
  • Cooperative Learning, and 
  • Game-based Learning in the CT activities. 
In other words,
such activities as
  • aesthetic experience, 
  • design-based learning, and 
  • storytelling 
have been relatively less frequently adopted.

Most of the studies focused on
programming skills training and mathematical computing,

while some adopted a cross-domain teaching mode 
to enable students to
manage and analyze materials of various domains by computing.

In addition,
since the cognitive ability of students of different ages varies,
the CT ability cultivation methods and content criteria 
should vary accordingly.

most studies reported
the learners' CT performance and perspectives,
while their information society ability was seldom trained.

the research trends and potential research issues of CT
are proposed as a reference
for researchers, instructors, and policy makers.





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