
我在 2/21 第1636回 中提到,我想用簡單的方式教外國人學漢語拼音。我找到的 Little Fox 漢語拼音教學影片,共有六單元,本回網誌要記錄的是我在做第一單元:漢語拼音系統簡介的備課時,我把影片的逐字稿記錄下來,並加上一些註解:

Ni-Hao Chinese 1 Let's Learn about Taiwan 

  1. Let's learn about Taiwan
  2. Ni-Hao (You Good), Hao-Peng-You (Good Friend)
  3. My name is Ling-Ling, and this is my friend Pang Pang
  4. Are you ready to learn Chinese?
  5. First, let's learn about Taiwan
  6. Taiwan has a population around 24 million
  7. There are 4 major ethnic groups in Taiwan: Hoklo Han Chinese,  Hakka Han Chinese,  Mainland Chinese, Aboriginal Taiwanese
  8. Each group is unique with their own customs and dialects of Chinese 
  9. The Mainland Chinese ethnic group speaks "Guo-Yu" 
  10. So in Taiwan, Guo-Yu is used as the standard language
  11. "Guo-Yu" means "National Language"
  12. "Guo-Yu"  is almost the same as Han-Yu and Pu-Tong-Hua, sometimes we use difference phrases to describe the same thing.
  13. Now, if I say Guo-Yu, remember that it means Chinese


  1. I'm not singing 
  2. I'm practicing the four tones of Chinese
  3. Chinese is a tonal language that means the meaning of a syllable changes if we pronounce it in a different pitch 
  4. Pitch is how high or low your voice goes 
  5. Each tone sounds different 
  6. Here is the first tone 
  7. Here is the second tone 
  8. Here is the third tone 
  9. Here is the fourth tone
  10. listen
  11. Let's take a look at the syllable: ma
  12. Ma1: in the first tone means mother
  13. Ma2: in the second tone means hemp 
  14. Hemp is a kind of plant used to make rope or strong rough cloth
  15. Ma3: in the third tone means horse
  16. Ma4: in the fourth tone means to scold
  17. See? If you say one syllable in different tones, it changes the meaning 
  18. That is why the four tones are important 
  19. So we need to practice the four tones
  20. Right? Pang Pang 
  21. Then let's keep practicing


Ni-Hao Chinese 3 Chinese Pronunciation with Pin-Yin

  1. Hao-Peng-You  (Good Friend)
  2. How do you think this character is pronounced?
  3. We say Ma
  4. The pronunciation of Chinese characters can be written with a tone, an initial sound and a final sound
  5. This is Pin-Yin
  6. Pin-Yinis is the system used to write Chinese characters with the English alphabet 
  7. This makes it easy for us to read Chinese 
  8. English vowels like a o e i are called "finals"
  9. There are two types of finals 
  10. A simple final has only one vowel 
  11. A compound final can have two vowels or one vowel and a consonant
  12. What about consonants? 
  13. Come here Pang Pang 
  14. Consonants are called "initials"
  15. There are 21 initials in Chinese 
  16. Most of them are pronounced similarly to the English consonants 
  17. Initials and finals combine to make a syllable 
  18. m and a makes ma
  19. Tones, initials and finals tell us how a character is pronounced 
  20. So it is important to learn Pin-Yin well


  • 考慮看完此影片後,介紹一個字音和三個母音 na(拿) ni (你) ne (呢)
  • Neutral tone - Chinese Pronunciation Wiki or Zero Tone, Fifth tone. The neutral tone is said to be "light" or "de-emphasized," meaning you don't have to give it the same amount of stress, and it should actually be a bit shorter than the other tones.

Ni-Hao Chinese 4 Chinese  Characters

  1. Hao-Peng-You  (Good Friend)
  2. Look I wrote my name in Chinese 
  3. Doesn't it look cool?
  4. There are two different ways to write Chinese 
  5. We'll show you right now 
  6. Let's take a look at the character for "door"
  7. Wow great job, Pang-Pang 
  8. Now Pang-Pang will write "door" in another way
  9. It looks simpler than before, right?
  10. that's why this is called Simplified Chinese
  11. Let's keep going 
  12. Here is the character for horse
  13. How's this? Does it look different?
  14. This one is Traditional Chinese, and this one is the Simplified Chinese character for horse
  15. Now you know the difference between Simplified and Traditional Chinese characters 
  16. Thanks Pang-Pang



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